Category: Memory

  • Remembering Stories

    The art of story-telling is a valuable asset to any speaker. Good ear perception is necessary to get a new story when you hear it, and a keen, retentive power to hold it. The impression must be accurate and intense in order really to get the point of the story so well that you are […]

  • How To Use Mental Imagery

    In memorizing your talk, always employ your strongest form of mental imagery. In his work on the Psychology of Public Speaking, Professor Scott gives a very lucid exposition of this point. He applies it to memorizing a poem, but it may just as well be applied to a speech. “If my visual imagery is strong, […]

  • Memory Cycles

    “For we are such Stuff as Dreams are made on; and our Little Life is Rounded with a Sleep.” So far we have discussed only the tried and true—the known and proven in the field of memory. Our system of training has been solidly built upon the foundation of tested principles and demonstrated laws. That […]

  • Relation Of The Subconscious To The Conscious Mind

    If we have a clear perception of what the sub-conscious mind really is, and especially if we have a comprehensive grasp of the relationship of the subconscious to the conscious we cannot fail to realize that it is a realm of marvelous possibilities. This relationship holds the center of the stage for modern psychologists, affording […]

  • The Power Of Suggestion

    For the man of imagination, this is the best law to rely upon for recall and recognition. The power of suggestion is a close ally to Association. More subtle than reason, more powerful than argument, it works wonders with the human mind. Have you ever noticed how an old melody, or an old song, will […]

  • Remembering Names And Faces

    “If you do not make new friends as you advance through life, you will soon find yourself alone.” The most subtle compliment you can possibly pay any one you have recently met, is to call him by name, when you meet again. It may be a weakness in human nature that the average individual likes […]

  • When Memory Begins To Fail

    “His mind was a storehouse of knowledge, of which he had lost the key.” There comes a time in the life of every one, when he realizes with something of a shock that his memory is slipping. Reluctantly, he must admit that his memory is not so good as it was; that his mental grip […]

  • Tone Blindness

    In fact, after years of experience with many, students both in voice and memory courses, I am willing to hazard the assertion that far more people are tone-blind than are color-blind. Some are so gone-blind that they cannot raise or lower the pitch of their own voices at will, or tell whether the pitch of […]

  • Diagnose Your Own Memory

    Every student of memory should be able to diagnose his own case, and determine which is the stronger, his visual or aural memory. The following tests and drills are suggested: Select two paragraphs of about equal length and similar construction. Test your visual memory by reading one of them silently and carefully—testing the memory after […]

  • Motor Memory And Minor Sense Impressions

    “I am sure that if a fairy bade me choose between the sense of sight and that of touch, I would not part with the warm, endearing contact of human hands.” Some authorities hold the opinion that the two main memory channels, discussed in the preceding chapter, are the only ones worthy of consideration or […]