Category: Memory
Facts And Fallacies Of Memory Training
“Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.” We have seen in the preceding chapter, that poor memory is common, and that there is an almost universal need for practical memory training. Now what is the reason back of this condition? What is the underlying cause of so many weak memories? My answer is […]
Memory Training – A Common Sense Analysis Of Methods
Now let us turn our attention to methods. Many inquiries come to me about good or bad memory courses. People see these systems continually advertised in the leading papers and magazines and they are anxious to know what ones would be good to follow. We have all grown more or less familiar with the striking […]
Memory – Available Knowledge
“‘Tis a pity that so much we learn we lose.” In determining how much a man really knows, his memory is the supreme test. It is the utility test, because no knowledge is useful, no learning has any practical applied value unless it can be remembered. It represents available knowledge. It is cash on hand. […]
Memory As A Factor In Efficiency
In the development of personal efficiency we find that practical memory-training is the most direct way to develop accuracy. In fact, a poor memory and inaccuracy generally go hand in hand. Important as the perceptive faculties are, they are of little value unless accompanied by a keen memory which records and retains all observations. It […]
Visual And Aural Memory
“Sight and Sound, Those Twin Blessings of Mankind.” He who would develop a good memory must clearly understand what memory is, and the channels through which impressions are received. Memory can be classified under several different heads. There are many of these, but for practical purposes we shall discuss in this chapter, only the two […]
Dreams are another form of the unknown about this phase of the subconscious. Volumes have been written, but they all end with a question mark. So we may as well leave it to Freud to explore this region. As for the interpretation of the dream, we have had no lack of interpreters from the time […]
Mental Discipline
“Hail, memory, hail! in thy exhaustless mine, From age to age unnumber’d treasures shineI Thought and her shadowy brood thy call obey, And Place and Time are subject to thy sway!” Most people are lazy mentally. They need mental discipline more than anything else in the world. Some admit it. As a training ground for […]
Why Names Are Hard To Remember
All are agreed that names are harder to remember than faces. Now, why is this? The answer will help us to strengthen our power over names. First of all, because the aural memory is weaker than the visual, as we have seen for ourselves in the tests which we have made. Second, because you hear […]
Mental Fitness
The discipline which leads to mental fitness should be applied unceasingly to the conscious mind, nor should the subconscious be overlooked. The conscious mind thrives under a program of disciplinary exercise. Regular daily practice on the tests, drills, and exercises given here will bring highly satisfactory results. Not half-hearted practice, but careful concentrated conscientious practice […]
Apply The Law Of Association To Names
Prominent among the factors which answer the question, “How to remember names” is the law of Association. It enables you to remember the name by relating it to something associated with it. Stimulate a sort of ” bring-together memory.” When you meet a man, give attention to his name, note his appearance, any striking physical […]