Working Out Your Own Salvation

It is not sufficient, in this volume merely to call attention to the condition; we must discover the cause for this alarming condition and point out the remedy. It shall be the office of succeeding chapters to do this, leaving the reader some-thing definite and tangible to work upon, assuming of course that he has a will to work. The word, ” Work,” is used advisedly, for I must say candidly that the only way I know to acquire a dependable memory is to work for it. The best any memory course can do for you is to show you how to work intelligently, show you what to do to get the best results, show you the right road and get you started. After that you must work out your own salvation. ” Is it worth the effort? ” you ask. If there is any-thing under the sun worth while, that one thing is Self-Development. Especially is this true of the mind, and its marvelous function, the memory. Surely the attainment of a fine, keen, dependable memory is worth while. It is far bet-ter to: give attention to a practical course of training along this line than to dabble with the intricacies of ” psychic phenomena,” or to worry over ” repressed complexes.”

Did you ever stop to think—did you ever think to think—that memory is one of the most important factors in the psychology of personal progress? No man can go far without it. Every man should make the most of this God-given faculty, realizing that the time and work necessary to develop and train it are indeed well spent.

The results of such effort on the part of the student will surpass all expectation, if his study is wisely directed. It is the purpose of this course of study outlined in the Lesson Projects at the end of each chapter to develop a service-able memory rather than a spectacular one. It is the purpose of this book to direct the earnest student to the right road leading to success, and to all who may be afflicted with faulty or failing memories, to speak the word of hope.






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