Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Relation Of The Subconscious To The Conscious Mind
If we have a clear perception of what the sub-conscious mind really is, and especially if we have a comprehensive grasp of the relationship of the subconscious to the conscious we cannot fail to realize that it is a realm of marvelous possibilities. This relationship holds the center of the stage for modern psychologists, affording […]
Memory Cycles
“For we are such Stuff as Dreams are made on; and our Little Life is Rounded with a Sleep.” So far we have discussed only the tried and truethe known and proven in the field of memory. Our system of training has been solidly built upon the foundation of tested principles and demonstrated laws. That […]
How To Use Mental Imagery
In memorizing your talk, always employ your strongest form of mental imagery. In his work on the Psychology of Public Speaking, Professor Scott gives a very lucid exposition of this point. He applies it to memorizing a poem, but it may just as well be applied to a speech. “If my visual imagery is strong, […]
Remembering Stories
The art of story-telling is a valuable asset to any speaker. Good ear perception is necessary to get a new story when you hear it, and a keen, retentive power to hold it. The impression must be accurate and intense in order really to get the point of the story so well that you are […]
Public Speaking Requires Concentration
Especially would I urge upon the speaker the importance of concentration. If there is any-thing under the sun that requires the full concentration of every faculty a man possesses, of every ounce a man has in him that thing is Public Speaking. In his big hour before his audience, or his little moment, as the […]
Memory In Public Speaking
“His was a memory of tremendous graspfacts and figures. – anecdote and epigramclassic lines and immortal verseall came trouping forth when memory beckoned, to be marshaled for the delight of his audience, through the medium of melodious speech.” In this age of the world, almost every one is liable to be called upon to make […]
How To Study
And now I wish to tell you how to study. And under this heading we can apply all three of the secrets of memory which I have just outlined. How to study I What a crying need there is for more reliable, workable information on this point. My experience as a teacher during these past […]
Factors In Keeping Young
Unquestionably, mental training with the resultant buoyancy and alertness helps to keep one young, while mental indifference or laziness. tends to make one old. Most people fear old age, and hate to see it coming on. One thing which makes it so dreaded is the fear of failing mental powers. And when memory begins to […]
The Three Secrets Of Memory
“The drudge may fret and tinkeror hammer with dusty blows, but back of him stands the Thinkerthe clear-eyed man who knows.” In the beginning of this course I made the statement, “There is no royal road to a good memory, but there is a way.” In the preceding chapters I have tried to show you […]
Remembering Dates And Figures
The question is often asked, how can I remember dates and *figures 7 Most students learn them by Rote, using frequent repetition. If they would use visualization in this connection the task would be far easier. For instance, the date of the Emancipation Proclamation can be pictured with Lincoln writing the date under the words. […]
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